Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Responsible Investing Strategies in Transitioning and Emerging Economies. Choosing A Strategic Investor in The Field of Energy
Article No : ssrj-v1-1003
Dolchinkov Vasil Levski
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and socially responsible investment (SRI) are concepts that have entered our everyday life over the last decades. These indicators of the state of the economy and its related components were introduced by developed economies 40 years ago, and are being imposed in the transition and emerging market economies in the 21st century. Initially, large national and international companies introduced this, and in the next phase, medium and small companies also implemented them. At this stage of development, it is unacceptable for companies not to apply CSR and SRI, but there are still quite a number of such companies in Bulgaria and Eastern European countries. The energy sector in the world is one of the leaders in the implementation of CSR and SRI. In Bulgaria and other restructured market economies, energy companies also occupy the top positions in various CSR and SRI implementation charts, such as Kozloduy NPP, Mines Maritza East, Assarel, EVN and others. In particular, some positive examples of the implementation of corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investments in the energy sector in Bulgaria in recent years are given.
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